Saturday, December 25, 2010

Damage Report 2010 XMASsacre

This X-MASsacre was indisputably one of the best, ever. The first hour was so quiet it was almost scary, but the request for Steve Mauldin's "O Holy Night" instantaneously whipped listeners into a festive frenzy, honing their antlers to wicked points in order to extract the jolliest holiday DOOM! ever heard in reindeer games north *or* south of Finland.

Voting for All-Time Favorite Holiday Tune was even more fantastically popular this year than as noted in 2008 for X-MASsacre VI. Voting was even more wildly *diverse*: As in 2008, many, many single votes were cast; at 8:30 the leaders were once again in a three-way tie. In 2008, Vince Guaraldi's "Linus and Lucy" won by two votes that came in during the mandatory 10-minute sudden-death overtime. This year, Bob Rivers' "I Am Santa Claus" made its sudden appearance just shortly before 8:30, entering the race and almost immediately tieing the front-runners, just in time to make the final cut. The announcement of sudden-death brought a flurry of calls and IMs that easily pushed "I Am Santa Claus" furlongs ahead, heavy boots of lead and all.

Here is the text-based flowsheet of the show:


Hope everyone had a very, very, very, very, very, very, very happy/grim, warm/frostbitten Solchrismachannakwanyaksmasuhzaastice!


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holiday Festival of Blight Burns On Into Its Eighth Year!

is shining bright! always on the last day of exams at UNC...
Friday, December 17, 2010 the same time as last year...
3:30 - 11:30PM UNC's student-run radio station...
WXYC Chapel Hill

Be there!

...another Besser Spät Als Nie™ Production...

But even for me, this is slightly outrageous.

I guess I just assumed whoever was curious about our efforts towards breaking the 7th seal would get the info from my regular, year-round blog at wordpress: X-MASsacre VII - Tale of the Tape.

If you're just interested in the text of the setlist, hit this one:


...and... if anyone is interested, I do have all the mp3's of the entire 8 hour massacre. Not super, super hi-fi quality, but sweet enough to thoroughly enjoy at >192kbps, 44kHz, average about 46 MB each, as they're all in half-hour blocks. If ya see a half hour or so you wanna have from the setlist link above, drop me an email, I'll see what we can do to hook you up! :)

Anyways, I've returned, in actuality, to prep up for this year's X-MASsacre, so I'm just gonna zip on out of *this* way over-due post and set in on the main course...