Monday, December 10, 2007

X-MASsacre 2002

The Xmassacre that almost wasn't.

With gaping disbelief, in 2002, Richard was accused by the station manager of promoting a religious agenda! It is true.

FWIW, I have never been a member of any faith categorized as "Christian," even when I was a small child. The station manager in 2002 (and 2003 and 2004) was a spin doctor of more than vinyl and CDs, however, and he convinced several people I had a traditional Southern U.S. Christian-centric up-bringing and ideology. Over the next two years, he successfully disinformed those not present for the first two massacres that the purpose of the Xmassacre was exclusively intended to celebrate the birth of the Christ child. I shit you not. In the process, he contended this was a Christian-themed radio show, and therefore inappropriate for WXYC.

"Who approved this last year?" he asked in 2002. "The Music Director," I answered, "In fact, everyone seemed entirely supportive." "I find that hard to believe," he told me. I told him to ask them.

A regular Scrooge (unvisited by the future spirit) regardless what faith or belief system you apply, he seemed even more angry that there were so many requests during the 2002 show. I always felt kind of sorry for him.

This particular station manager would not allow another massacre while he was in control of WXYC, which explains the 2 year sabbatical for those who wondered why there was no Xmassacre in 2003 or 2004. He did, however, time the release of a CD--in which he had financial interest--to coincide with this gift-giving holiday which he seemed to so loathe. I guess he only loathes the elements which don't put cash directly in his pockets. Seems a tad hypocritical to me, but then, my belief system tends to be incongruous with Judeo-Christian capitalism.

In spite of his personal vendetta, in 2002 we blued the barrels and honed the blades to bring the brutality at least one more time:


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