Wednesday, December 8, 2010

...another Besser Spät Als Nie™ Production...

But even for me, this is slightly outrageous.

I guess I just assumed whoever was curious about our efforts towards breaking the 7th seal would get the info from my regular, year-round blog at wordpress: X-MASsacre VII - Tale of the Tape.

If you're just interested in the text of the setlist, hit this one:


...and... if anyone is interested, I do have all the mp3's of the entire 8 hour massacre. Not super, super hi-fi quality, but sweet enough to thoroughly enjoy at >192kbps, 44kHz, average about 46 MB each, as they're all in half-hour blocks. If ya see a half hour or so you wanna have from the setlist link above, drop me an email, I'll see what we can do to hook you up! :)

Anyways, I've returned, in actuality, to prep up for this year's X-MASsacre, so I'm just gonna zip on out of *this* way over-due post and set in on the main course...

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